European Travel Information and Authorization System

ETIAS Switzerland Application for UK citizens

The ETIAS system is not yet activated, but when it goes live in 2025 it will be mandatory for citizens of the ETIAS eligible countries, including the UK, to submit an ETIAS Switzerland application. ETIAS approval will need to be confirmed before travelling to Switzerland or any other ETIAS country.

ETIAS Process Step - 1

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ETIAS Process Step - 4

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What is ETIAS Switzerland Application?

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) is a new electronic visa waiver system announced in 2016 by the EU and set to come into force in 2025. It will be applicable to people travelling to Europe from visa-exempt countries, such as the UK, Australia, Canada, and many others. ETIAS Switzerland will not apply to citizens of countries who need a Schengen visa, or to passport holders of the EU single market. The new system will revolutionise the way Brits travel to Switzerland and other European countries. ETIAS Switzerland Application is similar to the US ESTA visa waiver system and the Canadian eTA in that it digitally tracks and pre-screens visitors entering and leaving a region – in the case of ETIAS, that region is the Schengen zone. From an unconfirmed date in 2025, all citizens of visa-free countries will be expected to apply online and gain ETIAS confirmation before travelling to Europe.  The information gathered during the ETIAS application process will be analysed and cross-checked against various databases such as Europol, Interpol and the Schengen Information System (SIS). The purpose of this is to establish that the applicant is not a threat of any kind. ETIAS Switzerland Application is a simple online application system that should take no more than ten minutes to complete and, once approved, will be valid for three years from the date of issue.

The ETIAS holder will be able to enter the Schengen zone an unlimited number of times, and visit an unlimited number of destinations, providing the visit does not exceed 90 days within any 180-day period. Checks for ETIAS will be stringent – transport operators and border control officials will be expected to check for ETIAS approval before allowing any eligible travellers to enter the destination country.  You may wonder why visa-free travellers will require additional screening. ETIAS Switzerland Application was brought about partly because of the increase in frequency and severity of security threats within Europe and elsewhere in recent years and is intended to improve both resident and visitor safety. Other reasons for the introduction of ETIAS Visa Switzerland include a sharp rise in the number of visitors to Europe and also advances in technology, making an electronic pre-screening process an inevitable next step in the process of assisting border control. Aside from increasing security, ETIAS objectives also include streamlining the travel process by reducing border wait times, improving border management, helping to increase the number of people who are able to enter Europe without a visa, picking up on migration irregularities and providing an additional source of revenue for the EU budget.

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Learn more about ETIAS Switzerland Application

This system was brought about by the European Union in response to security threats within Europe in recent decades, with a view to strengthening the border control and general security of the Schengen area. It will apply to citizens of countries which hold visa-free status for travelling to Europe, including includes the UK.

Here, you will find everything you need to know about the new ETIAS requirements for UK citizens. We have information on who needs to apply, how to apply, the details of the application process and the

documentation and information that will be required upon application. We also address potential reasons for the refusal of an ETIAS Switzerland application, if and when it occurs.

As the system is not yet operational, details are still being finalised. Certain dates are not yet confirmed, and some information is still subject to change. We are committed to remaining a trusted source of the latest ETIAS information and updating our website when it is released.

Required information for ETIAS Switzerland Application

The ETIAS for Switzerland Program is fully electronic and will require little effort. The eligible traveller will need to submit an online application form, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. As long as the applicant has a stable internet connection, valid documentation, and a functional payment card with sufficient funds available to pay the nominal charge, approval is likely to be granted within 24 hours (providing all of the information submitted is satisfactory). Applicants under the age of 18 or over the age of 70 will not have to pay a fee to apply, however, every eligible traveller will require an approved ETIAS Switzerland Application, regardless of their age.

In some unusual instances, when information is deemed insufficient or suspicious, the applicant may be asked to submit more information or attend an in-person interview. In the unusual event that the application is rejected, the applicant will usually be given the chance to appeal the decision, depending on the reason for which the decision was reached.

Everyone applying for ETIAS Switzerland Application will have to register a valid biometric passport, and include its data such as date of issue, document number, expiry date and country. In the UK, biometric passports have been issued as standard since 2010 and therefore this should not cause a problem for most people. Third parties are permitted to apply on behalf of applicants; however, this must be stated at the time of submission. Third parties must also supply their name and company information, as well as their contact information and relationship to the applicant, if applicable.

Required information for ETIAS Switzerland Application

Anyone that is submitting an ETIAS application will have to enter certain information, which will include the following:

Biometric information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Last Name at Birth
  • Date of Birth

NATIONALITY information

  • Place of Birth
  • Information Regarding Your Citizenship
  • Address
  • Phone & email
  • Work Experience and Education
  • First EU Country that you Plan to Visit


  • Medical History
  • Criminal History
  • Drug Use or Terrorism
  • Travel to warzones
  • Travel History
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Rejection of ETIAS Switzerland application

The vast majority of ETIAS Switzerland applications will be accepted very shortly after they are submitted. However, on some occasions, an applicant may be asked to submit more information or attend a face-to-face interview. Rarer still, the application may be rejected entirely. This will only happen in certain circumstances, such as when the information is entered incorrectly, the submitted information is insufficient, or there are concerns about the applicant’s legal history.
Some possible reasons for ETIAS rejection include the following:

  • The applicant has missed a deadline for a request for additional information.
  • The applicant has applied using a travel document that the Schengen Information System (SIS) has identified as stolen, misappropriated, or invalid.
  • The applicant appears to pose a criminal threat to Schengen citizens or other visitors.
  • The applicant poses a pandemic-related threat to others.
  • The applicant shows signs or has a history of overstaying and becoming an illegal immigrant.
  • The applicant has been flagged by the SIS and is subject to restrictions that prevent them from entering or remaining in a Schengen country.
  • The applicant was asked to attend an in-person interview and missed the appointment.